Sunday, November 17, 2013


I need to find motivation. To work harder, to forget about being tired, to eat better, do more sport (volley ball and badminton are good for the mood), read more and experience more.

- 200 sit up a day
- 20 push up a day
- go to school every day
- smile to people instead of ignoring them
- stop complaining about every thing
- forget about people that make me feel bad/suffering
- 1 walk into the forest a week
- 1 fruit order from La Ruche every other week
- 1 good lunch every other day
- 3 hours of personal work a day
- 6 hours of sleep a night
- 3 mg of anxiolytics a day
- 1/2 sleeping a night
- 1 headache pill a night
- 1 prayer a day
 - only think about the current day

Let's try it!